Monday, September 7, 2009

Dill Clinton Always Doin' Work...

Just an observation: HTML Text Can be daunting, immense.
I came home from a scheduled hiking endeavor early, leaving an unexpected extra day of vacation open to interpretation. After an incredible hike in the north Cascades, I came home late, hungry for some hearty carbohydrates, a baguette, a little pasta. I had been spotting carbonara recipies here and there around the foodblog galaxy, and I finally couldn't ignore the plain-speaking gustatory reason of bacon and noodles anymore. It occured to me that if could win a lifetime supply of anything, it would have to be parmesan arregiano. That's my choice. I could eat pesto everyday, just as I could put on socks, or shower. Parmesan has so many applications, like the iphone of cheeses.

So I went to my gardenspace. I hoisted some scallions, separated some greek oregano (that stuff is robust), and copped down a bushy dwarf genovese basil plant, a lone survivor from early summer's basil massacre...too sad to talk about. Seriously, don't ask me about it. Don't even. I'm only gonna, it is still too soon.
Moving on.

I didn't use a recipe. Pasta really doesn't need a directive once you understand the foremost rule of pasta: there are no rules. Maybe prison rules. Garlic needs to be incorporated, but after that it is more of a choose-your-own-adventure-story with meat and cheese and garlic and herbs. And everybody loves to read those. That's delicious complexity. Perhaps I should develop a pasta algorythm? Or iphone application, like a magic eightball for pasta dishes.


Bacon or pancetta (seems tough for me to find)
Decent olive oil (always the extra virgin)
Sun Dried Tomatoes (SDT's isn't a fortuitious acryonym for these treats)
salt & my friend the ground black pepper
I asked my buddy about capers, which I have been putting in everything lately, just a 'yes' or 'no', without any context, and he says 'yes'. That was how I was leaning anyway. Glad I did that. Capers make anything more interesting.

Made the bacon, reserving bacon fat (unicorn dust; all-spark) for later, for everything.

Made the pasta, linguine. Linguine never disappoints me. Olive Garden disappoints me.
Generic Alfredo sauce disappoints me. When that happens, belive me, somebody gets whacked Sopranos style. I too can be cold, like the fettucine you had the misfortune of serving me.

Chopped the basil, oregano, garlic (finely),scallions, and shallots.
You know I do the scallions for color and the shallots for all of those things that shallots do to me and you. I do it for you really, and shallots really do it to me. No, I do it for us. I do it for we. That's why I diced so finely. Because I care. Me, you, and shallots in a fragrant dance of flavor.
Heated up the olive oil and a small amount of the flavorexplosion formerly known as Prince, to medium, added the chopped garden goodness.
Dumped in the sun dried tomatoes and followed that with the pasta and capers.
Salt and pepper the things, with little salt and heavy black pepper, always heavy with the black pepper on pasta.
Put in bacon. Cue the cheese. Don't be bashful here, just give yourself what you want. More cheese.

I left out the egg yolk this time, wanting something a little lighter. I understand if you don't appreciate me using the term carbonara here. If that makes me more of
marked man, then a 'made' man in your eyes, don't whack me. I also understand if you think I am perpetuating italian stereotypes here. I am, just not in the kitchen.


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