Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicka-Chicka Chick Peas.......

So I was looking for foodblogs to start following, and I came across,
and I said to myself, " are no longer in charge." Because this person's in charge. While the concept of a rawfoods diet is spectacularly unappealing to me, I enjoy entertaining the notion. What a marvelous way to eat. Just like a brontosaurus. In the land before thyme. Anyway, this website is the bomb-bizzle honey-drizzle for those into raw food. I grew beets this year an entertained hanging a near identical blog title. but I don't have a theme yet, which is another reason why I love this website. Mad style, hella cohesiveness all up in that. And it's witty. So witty it pissed me off. But as I calmed down, and realized that a raw food diet might exaggerate my burgeoning superpowers, I entered the kitchen to laydown a raw foods track, on that spicy tip B.

The dish pictured above has chicken in it, but it doesn't want or need it, like the way I feel about a classic ceasar salad; the salad doesn't need or want for chicken, but I'm not saying no to it. Just my way of avoiding wasted rotisserie bird. Turning a sidedish into a meal. Better believe that was a euphemism. Dig.

So I martryd some tomatoes off the backyard vine. I baked some potatoes (whatever you want, but the Yukon golds bring the flavor extreme and help create a paste of eurasian spices). Maybe even boil them with some bay leaves. Then I brought out some canned chickpeas because soaking the dried ones overnight just isn't my steez.


White Pepper (Incidentally, the name of my last R&B album)
Olive oil
Lemon juice and zest if you are a baller

I do everything to taste unless I am really getting down, down to Electric Avenue, from a recipe. A recipe for funky body movin'. These spices constitute a curry
basically. Super rudimentary, just mixin it all together, like a bollywood mixtape. I like to throw in some chopped italian parsley in everything I make, all the time. But, scallions would do it right. Chop everything chunky and mixed up well, then refrigerate. It is better when the flavors take a skinny dip in the pool, relax.

All of these items are raw. The only work is baking or boiling the potatos.
Ohh baby I like it raw, said the Biz Markee to the grand marquis, and I agree; the less you play and prep with your food, the better sometimes. Fresh flavors are the prerequisite for DJ Quick and simple meals. Don't touch it - just let it chill for a second. Yeah boo. And you're feeling it, don't be afraid of the funky chicken.

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